Membership Options

Equity Memberships

Equity memberships are limited to 150 members.

$2,000.00 Initiation Fee. The full equity membership entitles the entire family and guests to enjoy all of the club’s amenities including golf, dining and social events. Also includes use of our clubhouse, voting privileges and an ownership share. Memberships start at $413 per month.

Membership requires:
$120 quarterly minimum at our bar and restaurant.

Non Equity Memberships

Non Equity memberships are also available. Both individual and family non equity memberships provide you with full access to the facilities.

No Initiation Fee
Single, family and firm/corporate associate memberships are available and entitles the member to enjoy all our amenities at reduced dues. Amenities include golf, dining and special events. Memberships start at $250 per month for single/firm associate and $350 for family.

Membership requires:
$120 quarterly minimum at our bar and restaurant.

Yearly Junior Golf Memberships

Yearly Junior Golf memberships for those aged 13-21.

No Initiation Fee
Entitles the member, to enjoy golf, range and use of the restaurant. Memberships start at $503 annually.

Social Memberships

Social memberships provide access to our 5 star restaurant and social activities.

$40.00 Initiation Fee
Entitles the member and their family to enjoy dining, with guests, in the bar and restaurant.

Membership requires:
$120 quarterly minimum at our bar and restaurant.

Member For a Day

For more Info please contact the Pro Shop (559)674-2682

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